1. Commitment to product quality
- All goods have clear and genuine origin from the manufacturer and direct importer.
- Absolutely do not sell fake goods, counterfeit branded goods, or poor quality goods.
- Control and closely associate with suppliers and manufacturers.
- Refund 200% of the value of goods sold if the product sold is not as committed or of the wrong origin.
2. Commitment to quality sales service
- Providing products according to standards with the best quality.
- Competitive price.
- Do not disclose or use customer personal information for improper purposes. Comply with Vietnamese laws on sales and protecting consumer rights.
- Meet customer requirements in the shortest time.
- Always be honest with customers and put Trust first to give you the best benefits.
- Free consultation for customers about our products and services.
- All products our company provides are strictly inspected before being shipped.
- Provide timely support and resolution for products determined to be defective by the manufacturer or problems that arise during delivery and use of the product.